We independently benchmarked various game settings on a Titan X (to eliminate bottlenecking on the hardware) and took a graphics settings comparison video, found below. This Witcher 3 optimization guide defines the best graphics settings for improving FPS in the game, seeking to explain each option in greater depth. Since this posting, CD Projekt Red has released a new game patch (1.03) that drastically improves PC performance on various video cards AMD is expected to release a Catalyst 15.5 beta driver update that focuses on the Witcher in the near future. We recently benchmarked The Witcher 3 for GPU performance and remarked that the game was horridly optimized, taking the opportunity expand on the graphics settings in a limited fashion. Photographers may be familiar with the likes of chromatic aberration and vignetting, but not many games have offered these items for tweaking in the past.
The launch of the Witcher 3 introduced a couple of game graphics options that aren't very commonly available in settings menus.